Council Minutes

Minutes are posted after they are approved at the following monthly meeting.
The church council meets the third Thursday of the month at 5 p.m.

July 18th, 2019 Lutsen Church Council Meeting 
Attending: Pastor Tom Murray, Nancy Iverson, Cheryl Hovde, Don Fehr, John Wolf, and Carla Menssen
Absent:   John Mellang

Meeting opened at 5:05 p.m. with prayer.

 Minutes:  none

 Pastor’s report:
·       David Carlson and his wife were at Lutsen Church.  I will be will be going to a meeting for overseas synod on mission & vision August 15th.  
·       Pastor Tom and Denise will be gone the first half of October.
·       Had a funeral in Finland and a baptism coming Finland. 
·       Vision and mission will be taking a break at this point.  Bob Hewitt will be out of town.
·       Carol Mork will fill in while Denise and I are in Rome.
·       Will put together information about the labyrinth/prayer walk. 

 President’s report:
·       Rummage sale money this year 80/20.

 Financial Secretary report:
·       Looked at a bid to have someone paint the west side of the church.  Bid was $2020.00.  

 Vice President’s report:
·       Will talk to John Davies about painting in August.  (We feel the bid is too high.)

 Treasurer’s Report:
·       We now have $20,378.35 in the reserve.
·       Money from the rummage sale as of 7/18/19 is $7,611.00.
·       Rummage sale funds 20% to Cook County needs and 80% to the reserve.  Will contact the rummage sale committee to find out where they would like the 20% funds go.

 Building and Grounds report:
·        Women’s bathroom needs new lights above the toilet.  Look into new fixture and LED bulbs. 

 Old Business:
·       Mission – Do something with the other churches in the community.
·       Web cam of Lake Superior for the website.  (Need someone with a good view of the shore willing to host it.
·       Butterfly Garden-Peace Garden.  Create a “native” environment on east side of lawn, to cover all the way to the ramp. Put money into the garden area with plants, redirect mowing money and Thrivent action team funds.  Possibly put a labyrinth/prayer bench/ Peace garden sign.  Garden has been started.
·       Valve on furnace is “off”. Matt is going to talk to the inspector to see why water is being forced out.  Looking into installing a barrel beneath the valve with a sump pump.
·       We need to have volunteers to put together a Property committee/Building and Grounds.
·       Bottom kitchen cabinets need repairs.
·       Heat vents upstairs need to be cleaned.
·       September 10th at the Lutsen Town Hall/Fire Station International Dinner for the students.  Wee connect will provide the food.  We need people to help.
·       Looking towards the future:  How will we house the next pastor?  Do the churches want to stay linked together 6/8 years down the road? (Now 2/3 Lutsen and 1/3 Finland.)  Start looking now, we do not want to be rushed. 
·       Annual meeting September 29th.

New Business:
·       Cheryl is looking to have put into the budget for next year money for choir music.

 still needed:
·       Vacation Bible School – look into next year.
·       Need to repair cupboards in the kitchen. 
·       See  board in social hall with ideas of needs in the now and in the future.  Also listed below, short and long term projects.
·       Short Term Projects:  Possible shelfs by the freezer, painting west side of church building, bottom cub-boards in kitchen need repairs, gutter on west side with a heat tape to keep ice off the drive, parking lot project with the bike trail.
·       Long Term Projects:  Project vision now to 10+ years; windows in sanctuary that open from the inside with no screens to remove, first floor bathroom, lift system, larger pastor office, new septic system will be needed if expansion of building, parking lot repair/blacktop.

Next council meeting:  Thursday, August 15th, 2019 and 5:00 p.m. 

Motion to Adjourn at 5:50 p.m.   Closed with the Lord’s Prayer

Notes submitted by C. Hovde


June 20th, 2019 Lutsen Church Council Meeting 
Attending: Pastor Tom Murray, Nancy Iverson, Cheryl Hovde, Don Fehr, John Wolf, John Mellang and Carla Menssen

Meeting opened at 5:03 p.m. with prayer.

 Minutes:  correction KGM

 Pastor’s report:
·       David Carlson will be here (Lutsen Church) Monday June 24th.  
·       International dinner is Tuesday June 25th at Birch Grove in Tofte.
·       Care center service on June 30th.
·       Memorial service in Finland June 29th.
·       Quilt Sunday 2 students.
·       Pastor Tom and Denise are planning a trip to Rome in October.  Will be gone the first half of October.
·       Owen Frost baptism.  Son of Jessa and Erik Frost.
·       Creation Care services in September (5 weeks).
·       Motion was made to send a thank you to Jon Woerheide and a check for $200.  Don Fehr 1st and Carla 2nd.  Motion passed.
·       Furnace valve is off.  Need to contact Matt Farley regarding sump pump/barrel.  We need to find out the water is being forced out into the basement.

 President’s report:
·       Synod mission investment.  We will have an engineer coming to look at our structure.  She will come from Duluth, look at the issues, access and what will be the fix.
·       Spoke to KGM – bid was given for mobilization, bit & subgrade removal, class #5 for base and paving $96,328.50. 
·        On September 10th at the Lutsen townhall/fire station International Dinner for the students with Wee Connect and Lutsen Church.  Wee connect will provide the food, we will need people to help.
·       The heat vents upstairs need to be cleaned. 

 Financial Secretary report:
·       None given

 Vice President’s report:
·       Shelf project in the storage room has been completed.
·       Bike trail will not be going in the ditch as per MN DOT, it will be going on the lower road.

 Treasurer’s Report:
·       We now have $19,961.72 in the reserve.
·       See attached balance sheet.
·       A proposal for the rummage sale funds 1/3 to general fund, 1/3 to capital savings and 1/3 to community

 Building and Grounds report:
·       Nancy Hansen dropped off seeds for the Bee/Butterfly/Hummingbird Garden, John Mellang has the seeds.
·        Women’s bathroom needs new lights above the toilet.  Look into new fixture and LED bulbs. 

 Old Business:
·       Mission – Do something with the other churches in the community.
·       Web cam of Lake Superior for the website.  (Need someone with a good view of the shore willing to host it.
·       Butterfly Garden-Peace Garden.  Create a “native” environment on east side of lawn, to cover all the way to the ramp. Put money into the garden area with plants, redirect mowing money and Thrivent action team funds.  Possibly put a labyrinth/prayer bench/ Peace garden sign.  Garden has been started.
·       Valve on furnace is “off”. Matt is going to talk to the inspector to see why water is being forced out.  Looking into installing a barrel beneath the valve with a sump pump.
·       We need to have volunteers to put together a Property committee/Building and Grounds.
·       Bottom kitchen cabinets need repairs.

 New Business:
·       Rummage sale is Saturday July 13th, 2019.  Tent up on Friday July 5th at 1p.m., this year we will be putting up two tents.
·       We need your items dropped off the week of July 8-12, pricing items, selling on Saturday, helping in the kitchen, baked goods, clean-up, etc.  Sharon has a sign-up sheet.
·       Rummage sale committee has suggested 20% of funds going out and 80% staying at the church for short and long term projects.
·       Cheryl will be gone for 3 weeks in September.
·       Looking towards the future:  How will we house the next pastor?  Do the churches want to stay linked together 6/8 years down the road? (Now 2/3 Lutsen 1/3 Finland.)  We do not want to be rushed.
·       Annual meeting September 29th.

still needed:
·       Vacation Bible School – look into next year.
·       Need to repair cupboards in the kitchen. 
·       See  board in social hall with ideas of needs in the now and in the future.  Also listed below, short and long term projects.
·       Short Term Projects:  Possible shelfs by the freezer, painting west side of church building, bottom cub-boards in kitchen need repairs, gutter on west side with a heat tape to keep ice off the drive, parking lot project with the bike trail.
·       Long Term Projects:  Project vision now to 10+ years; windows in sanctuary that open from the inside with no screens to remove, first floor bathroom, lift system, larger pastor office, new septic system will be needed if expansion of building, parking lot repair/blacktop.

 Next council meeting:  Thursday, July 18th, 2019 and 5:00 p.m.. 

Motion to Adjourn at 5:59 p.m.   Closed with the Lord’s Prayer

Notes submitted by C. Hovde


May 16th, 2019 Lutsen Church Council Meeting 
Attending: Pastor Tom Murray, Nancy Iverson, Cheryl Hovde, Don Fehr, John Wolf and Carla Menssen
Absent: John Mellang    

Meeting opened at 5:00 p.m. with prayer.

 Minutes:  Council approved paying full registration for Denise at Synod assembly.

 Pastor’s report:
·       Synod assembly on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  Tom will be back for Sunday Service.  Synod to elect new Bishop next year.    
·       Synod web site – what do we need.  
·       Our synod mission team places: India, Honduras and Russia/Finnish.
·       Vision/Mission meeting – trying to get sometime in June to have David Carlson & his wife at Lutsen Church.  Syond Pastor – Finnish/Russian.
·       Brought up putting the synod assembly convention in the budget.
·       Looking ahead for a “Plan for expansion project/task force/ways to expand/lift system/bathroom/etc.
·       Pastor Tom and Denise are planning a trip to Rome in October.
·       Lenten service offerings went to the food shelf.  $461.00

 President’s report:
·       Trail meeting Wednesday April 24th at 6 pm.  Lutsen town hall – Bike Path meeting, possible plan to place in the ditch. We would not loose parking.
·       Spoke to KGM – will be getting an estimate.  No estimate as of the meeting from KMG.
·       Again, we will not be manning a station for the 99’er this year.
·       Mission – Habitat for Humanity project will be done in Silver Bay.  Greg Hansen from Thrivent is working on this project.  A sign-up sheet is in the church.  This is helping repair stairs, ramps, etc.  See Don Fehr for more information. 
·       Dinner for the foreign students on June 25th.  We will be working with Zoar church.  It will be held at Birch Grove.  Sign-up sheet posted. 

 Financial Secretary report:
·       None given

 Vice President’s report:
·       Will be starting shelf project in the storage room.

 Treasurer’s Report:
·       We now have $19,545.09 in the reserve.
·       See attached balance sheet.

 Building and Grounds report:
·       Nancy Hansen dropped off seeds for the Bee/Butterfly/Hummingbird Garden.
·       Called Arrowhead Electric regarding Broadband.  Replaced the box.
·        Women’s bathroom needs new lights above the toilet.  Look into new fixture and LED bulbs. 

Old Business:
·       Mission – Do something with the other churches in the community.
·       Web cam of Lake Superior for the website.  (Need someone with a good view of the shore willing to host it.
·       Butterfly Garden-Peace Garden.  Create a “native” environment on east side of lawn, to cover all the way to the ramp. Put money into the garden area with plants, redirect mowing money and Thrivent action team funds.  Possibly put a labyrinth/prayer bench/ Peace garden sign.  Garden has been started.
·       Valve on furnace is “off”. Matt is going to talk to the inspector to see why water is being forced out.  Looking into installing a barrel beneath the valve with a sump pump.
·       We need to have volunteers to put together a Property committee/Building and Grounds.
·       Bottom kitchen cabinets need repairs.

 New Business:
·       Julie Watt and Sharon Hexum-Platzer came regarding the church rummage sale.
·       Rummage sale is Saturday July 13th, 2019.  Would like the tent up on Friday July 5th, this year we will be putting up two tents.  Mike Rose has a building for big items only.  We also have a trailer to use.  Pre-sale planning meeting will be    Wednesday May 29th, 9:30.  Meeting will be held at Dennis and Julie Watts home #5108 Highway 61.
·       We need your help with setting up the tents, taking in items the week of July 8-12, pricing items, selling on Saturday, helping in the kitchen, baked goods, clean-up, etc.  Sharon has a sign-up sheet.
·       Rummage sale committee has suggested 1/3 of funds going out and 2/3 staying at the church for short and long term projects.

 still needed:
·       Vacation Bible School – look into next year.
·       Need for having shelving built to accommodate storage room changes. 
·       See  board in social hall with ideas of needs in the now and in the future.  Also listed below, short and long term projects.
·       Short Term Projects:  Shelfs/storeroom closet, possible shelfs by the freezer, painting west side of church building, bottom cub-boards in kitchen need repairs, gutter on west side with a heat tape to keep ice off the drive, parking lot project with the bike trail.
·       Long Term Projects:  Project vision now to 10+ years; windows in sanctuary that open from the inside with no screens to remove, first floor bathroom, lift system, larger pastor office, new septic system will be needed if expansion of building, parking lot repair/blacktop.

Next council meeting:  Thursday, June 20th, 2019 and 5:00 p.m.. 

Motion to Adjourn at 6:30 p.m.   Closed with the Lord’s Prayer

Notes submitted by C. Hovde


April 18th, 2019 Lutsen Church Council Meeting 
Attending: Pastor Tom Murray, Nancy Iverson, Cheryl Hovde, Don Fehr and Carla Menssen
Absent:  John Wolf and John Mellang    

Meeting opened at 5:15 p.m. with prayer.

 Minutes:  no action taken

 Pastor’s report:

·       Lenten services went well. Will continue morning services next year.
·       Ready for Easter service.  Finland service will be at 11:30 Easter Sunday.  
·       Greg Muller made the railings, they look great.
·       Synod assembly in Duluth, Pastor Tom will be back for Sunday Worship.  Request to pay ½ of Denise’s registration.  Motion to pay ½ as requested to attend Synod Assembly, voted yes.
·       May 13th – 18th Pastor Tom will be out of town.  Possible trip in September or October also.
·       Pastor Tom spoke of Care Creation services again in July.  Possible art hung during the creation services.
·       Looking  ahead for a “Plan for expansion project/task force/ways to expand/lift system/bathroom/etc.

 President’s report:

·       Trail meeting Wednesday April 24th at 6 pm.  Lutsen  town hall – Bike Path meeting
·       Spoke to KGM – will be getting an estimate.
·       We will not be manning a station for the 99’er this year.
·       Mission priorities – what are they.

 Financial Secretary report:

 ·       None given

 Vice President’s report:

 ·       none given

 Treasurer’s Report:

 ·       none given

 Building and Grounds report:

 ·       none

 Old Business:

 ·       Mission – Do something with the other churches in the community.
·       Web cam of Lake Superior for the website.  (Need someone with a good view of the shore willing to host it.
·       Butterfly Garden-Peace Garden.  Create a “native” environment on east side of lawn, to cover all the way to the ramp. Put money into the garden area with plants, redirect mowing money and Thrivent action team funds.  Possibly put a labyrinth/prayer bench/e Peace garden sign.
·       Valve on furnace is “off”. Matt is going to talk to the inspector to see why water is being forced out.  Looking into installing a barrel beneath the valve with a sump pump.
·       We need to have volunteers to put together a Property committee/Building and Grounds.
·       Bottom kitchen cabinets need repairs.

 New Business:

 ·       Council meeting minutes will be posted on the web page.

 still needed:

 ·       Vacation Bible School – look into next year.
·       Need for having shelving built to accommodate the storage room changes. 
·       See  board in social hall with ideas of needs in the now and in the future.

Next council meeting:  Thursday, May 16th, 2019 and 5:00 p.m.. 

Motion to Adjourn at 6:16 p.m.   Closed with the Lord’s Prayer

Notes submitted by C. Hovde


March 21st, 2019 Lutsen Church Council Meeting 

Attending: Pastor Tom Murray, Nancy Iverson, Cheryl Hovde, John Wolf, John Mellang
Absent:  Don Fehr and Carla Menssen    

Meeting opened at 5:05 p.m. with prayer.

 Minutes:  no action taken

 Pastor’s report:
Received an e-mail from Signe Larson about manning a bike station at Clara Lake Road. Is someone interested in taking this on.  ( Dennis Hovde Jr. (DJ) will not be able to with his new job.)
. Lenten services will all be at 9 AM including Holy Week.
. Butterfly garden – Peace Garden.  Create a “native” environment on the east side of lawn, to coverall the way to the ramp. Put money into the garden area with plants, redirect mowing money and Thrivent action team funds.  Possibly put a labyrinth/prayer bench/peace garden sign.  
. Valve on furnace is “off”.  Matt is going to talk to the inspector to see why water is being forced out.  Looking into installing a barrel beneath the valve with a sump pump.
. Synod assembly in Duluth this year, first weekend in May.  Pastor Tom will be back for Sunday Worship.  Request to pay ½ of Denise’s registration.
. Zoar and Bethlehem looking into solar power/solar panels.  Pastor Tom will go to this meeting.
. Bike path meeting coming up on Wednesday April 24th, Lutsen Town Hall 

 President’s report:

 Financial Secretary report:

 Vice President’s report:

 Treasurer’s Report:
We now have $18,711.83 in the reserve.
. See attached balance sheet.

 Building and Grounds report:

 Old Business:
Mission – Do something with the other churches in the community.
. 99’r, manning station
. Web cam of Lake Superior for the website.  (Need someone with a good view of the shore willing to host it.

 New Business:
We need to have volunteers to put together a Property committee/Building and Grounds
. Bottom kitchen cabinets need repairs.
. Don Fehr and Carla Menssen with be gone on March 21st, 2019.

 still needed:
Vacation Bible School – look into next year.
. Need for having shelving built to accommodate the storage room changes. 
. See board in social hall with ideas of needs in the now and in the future.

 Next council meeting:  Thursday, April 18th, 2019 and 5:00 p.m.. 

Motion to Adjourn at 6:16 p.m.   Closed with the Lord’s Prayer

Notes submitted by C. Hovde